A Blog by Darren & Kimberley Hiebert, co-hosts of the Mr. & Mrs. CEO Podcast

EPISODE 12: Founder’s Story
Kimberley Hiebert Kimberley Hiebert

EPISODE 12: Founder’s Story

In the entrepreneurial world, the journey from concept to realization is often fraught with unexpected turns, revelations, and moments of clarity that can pivot an entire life's direction. This couldn't be more true for Darren & Kim Hiebert, the visionary couple behind the Mr. & Mrs. CEO podcast, as they share the genesis of their latest venture, Door Gurus, in Episode 12. Their story isn't just about starting a business; it's a testament to resilience, reevaluation, and rebirth from personal challenges.

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EPISODE 11: It Isn’t Just Business
Kimberley Hiebert Kimberley Hiebert

EPISODE 11: It Isn’t Just Business

Within the tapestry of entrepreneurship, especially in the realm of family business, the phrase "It's not personal; it's just business" often emerges as a protective cloak, intended to shield the speaker from the emotional fallout of tough decisions. However, I’m going to challenge the validity of this statement and explore the nuanced dynamics that make family businesses uniquely complex.

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EPISODE 10: It Is Personal
Kimberley Hiebert Kimberley Hiebert

EPISODE 10: It Is Personal

At its core, a family business is not just about transactions and profits; it's about relationships. The intertwining of family dynamics with business operations adds layers of complexity that aren't present in other business models. It’s these very dynamics that we have set out to explore and share with the world, drawing from our rich tapestry of experiences.

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EPISODE 9: Finding Success in Failure
Kimberley Hiebert Kimberley Hiebert

EPISODE 9: Finding Success in Failure

In the ever-unpredictable journey of entrepreneurship, setbacks and failures are as certain as the sunrise. However, it's not the stumbling that defines us but our ability to rise, dust off, and chart a new course with renewed vigor and insight. In Episode 9 of the Mr. & Mrs. CEO podcast, Darren Hiebert shares a deeply personal narrative — his transformation from perceived failure to unequivocal success, offering a powerful testament to the indomitable spirit of an entrepreneur.

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EPISODE 8: 30 Seconds of Fame
Kimberley Hiebert Kimberley Hiebert

EPISODE 8: 30 Seconds of Fame

In the bustling world of entrepreneurship, where the lines between personal and professional often blur, we (Darren & Kimberley Hiebert) stand as a testament to the power of curiosity, learning, and a pinch of spontaneity. Our journey, marked by a blend of business acumen and marital synergy, recently took a turn into the unexpected realm of influencer-marketing, offering a fresh perspective on visibility, risk-taking, and the essence of building a legacy.

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EPISODE 7: Lessons Learned from Running a Business as a Couple
Kimberley Hiebert Kimberley Hiebert

EPISODE 7: Lessons Learned from Running a Business as a Couple

In the heart of the podcasting world, Kelvin & Phyllis Nichols are a source of inspiration for entrepreneurial couples everywhere. Founders of Sound Advice Strategies and SoundAdvice.FM, their journey of working together since 2017 is not just about running a full-service podcast production company; it’s about the symphony they create, blending their personal and professional lives into a melody of success and innovation.

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EPISODE 6: What Every Business Owner Must Do!
Kimberley Hiebert Kimberley Hiebert

EPISODE 6: What Every Business Owner Must Do!

In a world where hustle is often heralded as the only path to success, Darren Hiebert’s counterintuitive advice for seasoned business owners shines like a beacon: take a break. Not just any break, but a sabbatical—a dedicated period away from the daily grind to reflect, recharge, and potentially, redefine the future of your business.

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EPISODE 5: Our First Foursome
Kimberley Hiebert Kimberley Hiebert

EPISODE 5: Our First Foursome

In the realm of entrepreneurship, where the unconventional becomes the norm, the story of Nikki & Steph, founders of Dog Jogs, embodies the spirit of innovation that defines family businesses. Their adventure, peppered with the unique challenges and rewards of working alongside your spouse, offers invaluable insights into the entrepreneurial journey, a tale not just of business, but of love, commitment, and the joy of running (literally) with an idea that sparks a revolution.

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EPISODE 4: Shots Fired
Kimberley Hiebert Kimberley Hiebert

EPISODE 4: Shots Fired

Mixing business with family can be like sailing on unpredictable waters. One moment, the sea is calm and serene, reflecting the clear skies above. The next, storm clouds gather, and suddenly, you're navigating through choppy waves, trying to steer clear of the rocks. This metaphor perfectly encapsulates the journey Darren & Kim Hiebert shared in their podcast episode titled "Shots Fired," a candid exploration of the tumultuous intersections between family relations and business dealings.

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EPISODE 3: Leadership Stretching
Kimberley Hiebert Kimberley Hiebert

EPISODE 3: Leadership Stretching

There are nights when the quiet hum of the darkness intertwines with the restless ponderings of an entrepreneurial mind. For Darren, one half of the dynamic duo behind the Mr. & Mrs. CEO podcast, such a night recently unfolded, transforming sleeplessness into a leadership epiphany.

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EPISODE 2: Unexpected Toxic Friendships
Kimberley Hiebert Kimberley Hiebert

EPISODE 2: Unexpected Toxic Friendships

When you're on the cusp of something big — stepping boldly towards a vision that sets your soul on fire — the support of those around you isn't just helpful; it's essential. But what happens when the support you expected turns into skepticism, or worse… negativity? Darren & Kim Hiebert, the dynamic duo behind the Mr. & Mrs. CEO podcast, dive deep into the reality of "Unexpected Toxic Friendships" and how they've navigated the waters of ambition amidst doubt from their circle.

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EPISODE 1: The Bubble Bath Boardroom
Kimberley Hiebert Kimberley Hiebert

EPISODE 1: The Bubble Bath Boardroom

Welcome to the unconventional world of Darren & Kimberley Hiebert, where strategic business meetings and marital harmony blend seamlessly in the warmth of a bubble bath.

Yes, you read that right — the Bubble Bath Boardroom is the Hieberts' unique answer to the age-old quest for work-life balance, particularly when your life partner is also your business partner.

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