EPISODE 1: The Bubble Bath Boardroom

Navigating the Waters of Entrepreneurship and Marriage in the Bubble Bath Boardroom

Hello! We’re Darren & Kimberley Hiebert — the dynamic duo behind the Mr. & Mrs. CEO podcast. Welcome to our unconventional world where strategic business meetings and marital harmony blend seamlessly in the warmth of a bubble bath.

Yes, you read that right — the Bubble Bath Boardroom is our unique answer to the age-old quest for work-life balance, particularly when your life partner is also your business partner.

The Origins of the Bubble Bath Boardroom

Darren's nightly ritual, a bubble bath that can sometimes last for hours, has evolved into an unexpected yet effective venue for some of our most productive and heartfelt conversations. It's in this relaxed, intimate setting that Darren & I find the clarity and focus that so often eludes us during the hustle and bustle of our entrepreneurial day. Here, stripped of all distractions (and clothing!), we're able to dive deep into discussions about our business ventures, family matters, and personal issues, all within the span of a few minutes.

Why It Works

You might wonder, what makes a bubble bath an ideal setting for such important conversations? The answer lies in the unique combination of intimacy, relaxation, and the equalizing effect of being in a shared, vulnerable space. The Bubble Bath Boardroom breaks down barriers, making it easier to express thoughts and feelings openly and honestly. This setting nurtures not only our business ideas but our relationship as well, proving that a little creativity (and a lot of bubbles) can go a long way in maintaining both a healthy marriage and a thriving business.

The Bubble Bath Philosophy

At its core, the Bubble Bath Boardroom embodies the philosophy that personal and professional lives are not just intertwined but deeply interconnected, especially in the world of family-owned businesses. Our approach is a testament to the power of integrating these aspects of life, rather than striving to keep them separate. It's a reminder that the key to success in both arenas often lies in the quality of our relationships and the depth of our conversations.

A Challenge to Traditional Workspaces

This unconventional meeting space challenges the notion that serious business can only happen in conventional settings like offices or boardrooms. It underscores the importance of finding what works for you and embracing it, no matter how unconventional it may seem. After all, if a bubble bath can be the birthplace of great ideas and deeper understanding, what other everyday spaces might be transformed into productive arenas for thought and discussion?

Join the Conversation

Inspired by our unique approach, Darren & I invite you to share your own unconventional strategies for blending work and personal life. Whether it's a walk in the park, a shared hobby, or even your version of a Bubble Bath Boardroom, the essence lies in finding that special something that brings you closer to your partner while propelling your business forward.

The Bubble Bath Boardroom may not be for everyone, but its underlying message certainly is: entrepreneurship and marriage, like a good bubble bath, require patience, warmth, and the willingness to dive deep. So next time you're looking for inspiration or a solution to a thorny problem, maybe consider drawing a bath and seeing where the conversation takes you.

Subscribe to the Bubble Bath Boardroom and let Darren & I bring the warmth, wisdom, and whimsy of our bathtub talks directly to your inbox. We’ll share insights, anecdotes, and advice distilled from our most candid discussions — covering everything from navigating the choppy waters of entrepreneurship to keeping the flame alive in our marriage and partnership. Whether you’re looking for business strategies, relationship tips, or just a good story, we promise to keep it interesting, entertaining, and always a little bit bubbly.


EPISODE 2: Unexpected Toxic Friendships