EPISODE 7: Lessons Learned from Running a Business as a Couple

We’re back again with another co-hosted segment on Mr. & Mrs. CEO. This time, Darren & I were joined by Kelvin & Phyllis Nichols, founders of Sound Advice Strategies and SoundAdvice.FM.

We hope that you’ll find their story as inspiring as we do!

The Harmonious Journey of Kelvin & Phyllis Nichols

In the heart of the podcasting world, Kelvin & Phyllis Nichols are a source of inspiration for entrepreneurial couples everywhere. Their journey of working together since 2017 is not just about running a full-service podcast production company; it’s about the symphony they create, blending their personal and professional lives into a melody of success and innovation.

A Duet of Differences and Dedication

When it comes to running a business as a couple, the road to harmony often traverses through discord. Kelvin & Phyllis are honest and candid about the challenges that they face, underscoring that marital unity doesn't always translate to business consensus. They emphasize the importance of embracing differences and leveraging their distinct skills to fortify both their business… and relationship.

Facing the Music: Challenges & Adaptability

When all your income "eggs" are nestled in the shared basket of a family business, the stakes are undeniably high. The Nichols' journey through the upheaval of the global coronavirus pandemic emphasizes the vital role of adaptability and mutual support. While it might be something we all know, reality hits hard when we’re faced with difficult situations; resilience is required to navigate the uncertainties of entrepreneurship. This is especially true in family-based business. Darren & I know this firsthand regarding our experience with our latest venture, Door Gurus.

The Illusion of Control and the Promise of Trust

Kelvin's insight that "control is an illusion" rings particularly true in the unpredictable world of business. His philosophy of embracing the unknown and trusting in the journey highlights the critical importance of adaptability for success. It's a mindset that has not only guided Kelvin & Phyllis through turbulent times, but also serves as a beacon for other entrepreneurial couples facing their own storms. We can’t always predict when the storms will come — and they will come — but we can be prepared to help each other through it.

A Partnership Amplified

In their pursuit of growth and balance, Kelvin & Phyllis continue to refine their focus, with Kelvin aiming to extricate himself from the 'weeds' of day-to-day operations. Their commitment to each other and their shared goals is evident, especially in moments of rapid-fire questions that peel back the layers of their relationship, revealing the deep support and understanding that fuels their partnership. (You’ll have to listen to the podcast episode for those gold nuggets!)

The Harmony of Working with Your Spouse

Kelvin & Phyllis’s narrative is a vibrant tapestry of love, labor, and laughter. It encapsulates the joys and challenges of melding business with personal life, offering invaluable insights and inspiration for couples embarking on similar journeys. Their story isn’t just about “making it work”, but about making it work wonderfully. They choose to meet each challenge with resilience and each success with joy and celebration.


EPISODE 8: 30 Seconds of Fame


EPISODE 6: What Every Business Owner Must Do!