EPISODE 8: 30 Seconds of Fame

Embracing the Spotlight: Lessons from an Unlikely Adventure

In the bustling world of entrepreneurship, where the lines between personal and professional often blur, we (Darren & Kimberley Hiebert) like to think that we embody the power of curiosity, learning, and a pinch of spontaneity. Our journey, recently took a turn into the unexpected realm of influencer-marketing, offering a fresh perspective on visibility, risk-taking, and the essence of building a legacy.

A Culinary Adventure Turns Newsworthy

Imagine the surprise when an email landed in my inbox, inviting Darren & I to be influencers for the Taste of Edmonton. Skepticism gave way to opportunity, leading us to an event where our culinary exploration caught the eye of a local news platform’s camera crew. Darren, seizing the moment (as usual), transformed our adventure into something newsworthy — a move that would soon catapult us into a fleeting, yet thrilling, spotlight.

Our 30 seconds of fame, while brief, was a revelation. It highlighted a universal truth in the entrepreneurial journey: visibility is not just about being seen — it's about being boldly present, ready to embrace the opportunities that lie just beyond your comfort zone. For us, this unexpected foray into the limelight was a reminder that sometimes, taking a calculated leap can propel you into new avenues of growth and recognition.

Beyond the Camera’s Gaze: A Deeper Reflection

The aftermath of our brush with fame was a mix of excitement and introspection. The echoes of our TV appearance rippled through our community, sparking conversations and a newfound recognition. Yet, as the initial buzz faded, we found ourselves reflecting on the deeper implications of their experience.

In the sanctuary of our ritual bubble bath — our “boardroom” for review, relaxation, and reflection — we pondered the true takeaway from our short-lived adventure. Darren realized the importance of stepping out of the shadows, advocating for one's brand and mission with unabashed confidence. Myself, on the other hand, saw it as an affirmation of our resilience and reach — a symbolic victory against the backdrop of recent challenges that we had experienced.

The Essence of Risk-Taking in Entrepreneurship

Our 30 seconds of fame, while momentarily exhilarating, served as an example of a larger entrepreneurial truth: success is often a byproduct of vulnerability and visibility. It's about putting yourself out there, embracing the risks, and allowing the world to see you in all your authenticity.

For family business owners and entrepreneurs navigating the delicate balance between personal life and business ambitions, our brief brush with fame can provide a valuable lesson. It highlights that while the path to building a legacy is fraught with uncertainty, it's the unexpected detours that often lead to the most memorable achievements.

A Call to Embrace the Spotlight

This little adventure is more than a tale of fleeting fame; it's a reminder that in the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship, every opportunity, no matter how small, is a chance to shine. We encourage our fellow entrepreneurs to wear their brand proudly, to seek out the spotlight — not just for the sake of recognition, but as a means to further your mission and impact.

In the end, our message remains clear: embrace the opportunities that come your way, no matter how unconventional. The journey of entrepreneurship is as much about the adventures you embark on as it is about the legacy you build.

And sometimes… it's the unplanned moments that leave the most lasting impressions.


EPISODE 9: Finding Success in Failure


EPISODE 7: Lessons Learned from Running a Business as a Couple