EPISODE 12: Founder’s Story

From Setback to Startup: The Birth of Door Gurus

In the entrepreneurial world, the journey from concept to realization is often fraught with unexpected turns, revelations, and moments of clarity that can pivot an entire life's direction. This couldn't be more true for Darren & I, the visionary couple behind the Mr. & Mrs. CEO podcast, as we share the genesis of our latest venture, Door Gurus.

Our story isn't just about starting a business; it's a testimony of resilience, re-evaluation, and rebirth from personal challenges.

The Unexpected Catalyst

For Darren & I, the seed for Door Gurus was planted not in boardrooms or brainstorming sessions, but amidst personal upheaval and a profound health scare. My cancer diagnosis was a jolt to our seemingly well-ordered lives, prompting deep introspection about our futures, desires, and caused us to question: “What truly matters?”.

It wasn't the allure of entrepreneurship that initially guided us to start Door Gurus, but rather the search for meaning and fulfillment in the aftermath of uncertainty.

Re-evaluation & Rebirth

In the shadow of my recovery, Darren & I embarked on a journey of semi-retirement, seeking to savor life's moments more richly, and embrace the space it offered for contemplation. It was within this space that Darren, leveraging years of experience in a family business and a knack for innovation, stumbled upon the kernel of an idea that would eventually grow into Door Gurus. By simply doing what he loved — helping people with door repairs using nothing but his phone — Darren identified a unique business opportunity that was scalable, profitable, and, (most importantly) aligned with the our newfound appreciation for a balanced life. We set our semi-retirement plans aside in pursuit of this idea that seemed to be rising like a phoenix out of the ashes from the fires of pain and uncertainty that we’d endured over the last few years.

Visionaries at Work

Both Darren & I identify as visionaries; dreamers capable of seeing beyond the immediate horizon and into the vast possibilities that lie ahead. This visionary trait has been crucial in navigating our entrepreneurial endeavors, guiding us through the early days of Door Gurus.

The realization that Darren could teach others to replicate his success in door repair services was a “Eureka!” moment — a chance to build something that not only provided a valuable service, but did so in a way that was congruent with our revived lifestyle goals and values.

Creating the Door Gurus Franchise

The journey from concept to the creation of the Door Gurus franchise was fueled by our shared dream of crafting a business that could offer others the opportunity to succeed without the burnout commonly associated with entrepreneurship. Our vision was clear: to teach individuals how to run their own mobile door repair and maintenance service, ensuring they could enjoy a rewarding life both financially and personally, with time for family and leisure.

This wasn't just about starting another business; it was about redefining what success looked like, influenced by our own personal trials and the clarity we now had.

A New Definition of Success

While our story can serve as a powerful reminder that sometimes, our greatest setbacks can lead to our most significant achievements, our founder's story with Door Gurus is far from over! We’re providing like-minded, aspiring entrepreneurs a chance to experience the achievement and freedom we’ve finally come to experience in the past few years.

Darren & I also want to demonstrate and remind entrepreneurs and experienced business owners that success is not merely measured by profit margins and market share, but by the impact on one's quality of life and the ability to pursue one's passions on one's own terms. Success doesn’t define you — YOU define success.

As Door Gurus gains traction, our journey — from the brink of despair to the thrill of new beginnings — emphasizes the transformative power of adversity. This narrative can encourage all of us to find the silver linings — to reassess what truly matters, and to dare to dream of a future that aligns with our deepest values and aspirations.

Behind every business is a personal journey, filled with challenges, learning, and ultimately… growth. For Darren & I, Door Gurus is far more than a business case or a franchise model; it's a life lesson in finding success amid failure and turning life's unexpected moments into opportunities for innovation and new beginnings.

Franchises are available for purchase if this venture sounds like something that would be up your alley! Find out more about the Door Gurus Franchise Opportunity.


EPISODE 13: A Daughter’s Voice


EPISODE 11: It Isn’t Just Business