EPISODE 29: Our Moving Day Fiasco & A Costly Business Lesson

Our Crazy Moving Day Adventure

Hey there, business aficionados and fellow family-first entrepreneurs! It's Kim here, back with another tale from the life of the Mr. & Mrs. CEO duo. Grab your favorite craft coffee and settle in because today, I'm sharing our wild moving day experience and the business lessons we learned along the way.

Chaos Unpacked: The Hiebert Moving Saga

At the end of June, Darren & I embarked on a journey that many of you can relate to: moving to a new home.

Picture this: boxes everywhere, a garage that looked like a tornado had a party, and a seemingly endless list of things to do. Sounds fun, right? Well, not exactly.

We hired movers to help transition us from our old abode to the new one. What we thought would be a straightforward process turned into a comedy of errors. From delayed schedules to misplaced boxes, it felt like everything that could go wrong… did. But as with any challenge, there were lessons to be learned.

The Customer Service Rollercoaster

One of the most eye-opening parts of our move was experiencing the varying degrees of customer service from different service providers. Whether it was the movers or the furnace repair team, the level of professionalism and respect for our home varied significantly. This led us to reflect on the crucial role of customer service in any business, especially when franchising.

Managing Expectations: A Business Imperative

Through this moving adventure, one lesson stood out: the importance of managing customer expectations and clear communication. It's not just about getting the job done; it's about how you do it and how you communicate with your customers.

Here are a few key takeaways that we’re applying to our business, Door Gurus:

  1. Transparency is Key: Always provide customers with all the information they need upfront. This helps them make informed decisions and sets the right expectations.

  2. Clear Communication: Keep the lines of communication open and clear. Whether it’s confirming appointment times or explaining the process, clarity can prevent misunderstandings and build trust.

  3. Professional Presentation: How service providers present themselves and their respect for the customer’s home speaks volumes. It’s about more than just the service; it’s about the overall experience.

Turning Mishaps into Milestones

Our moving fiasco reminded us of the importance of these principles in building a successful franchise. At Door Gurus, we're committed to ensuring top-notch customer service and fostering a culture of clear communication. We believe that by setting the right expectations and delivering on our promises, we can create positive experiences for our clients.

Final Thoughts

So, what's the moral of our moving day story? In business, just like in life, things don’t always go as planned. But every challenge is an opportunity to learn and improve. By focusing on customer service and communication, we can turn mishaps into milestones.

Until next time, don’t forget to check out our latest book, “Awkward Family Dinners,” for more insights, laughs, tips, and stories from the trenches of family business. And as always, use the links below to stay connected with us on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Cheers to turning chaos into success and always striving for excellence!

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EPISODE 30: Content Creation isn’t just for Influencers


EPISODE 28: Building the Dream Team