EPISODE 28: Building the Dream Team

Why Teams are Vital to Your Business’ Success

Hello, wonderful business owners and entrepreneurs! It's Kim here, and today, I'm excited to dive into one of my absolute favorite topics: team building. Now, I know that constructing a team with diverse personalities and skill sets can be daunting, but let me tell you — it’s worth every bit of effort. Let’s explore why teams are essential for your business’s success and how you can build the strongest one possible.

The Power of Diversity in Teams

When Darren & I started Door Gurus, we quickly realized that our business wouldn't thrive if it was just the two of us trying to do everything. The magic happens when you bring together a group of people who each bring something unique to the table. A diverse team can propel your business forward in ways you might not even imagine. Each member's unique perspective and skill set contribute to a richer, more innovative approach to problem-solving and growth.

Overcoming Common Obstacles

Of course, team building comes with its own set of challenges. Trust issues and the fear of delegation are common roadblocks. Trust me, I’ve been there! It can be hard to let go of the reins, but it’s essential for growth. Building trust within your team starts with open communication and setting clear expectations. Regular check-ins and creating an environment where team members feel valued and heard go a long way in overcoming these obstacles.

Different Approaches: Kim vs. Darren

One of the interesting dynamics Darren & I bring to our business is our differing approaches to team building. Darren’s all about intuition and gut feelings — he’s the visionary who sees potential and talent where others might not. I, on the other hand, am a bit more analytical. I love diving into resumes, conducting structured interviews, and really getting to know the candidates. This balance has been crucial for us. We complement each other, ensuring that we don’t miss out on great talent just because one of us might not have seen it initially.

Practical Steps to Building a Strong Team

So, how do you manage and grow your team effectively? Here are some practical steps that have worked wonders for us:

  1. Define Your Vision & Goals: Make sure every team member understands the big picture. This alignment helps everyone work towards the same objectives.

  2. Hire for Cultural Fit & Skill: While skills are essential, cultural fit can make or break your team’s cohesion. Look for individuals who share your company’s values and work ethic.

  3. Foster Open Communication: Create a safe space for your team to voice their ideas, concerns, and feedback. This openness builds trust and encourages collaboration.

  4. Support Professional Growth: Invest in your team’s development through training and mentorship. When your team grows, so does your business.

  5. Adapt & Refine: Don’t be afraid to tweak processes and strategies. Business environments are dynamic, and flexibility is key to staying ahead.

Dealing with Setbacks

Setbacks are inevitable, but they’re also opportunities for growth. Whether it's a project that didn't go as planned or a team member who isn’t quite fitting in, address issues head-on. Reflect on what went wrong, learn from it, and move forward with a refined strategy.

Understanding Team Development Stages

Teams go through various stages of development: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning.

  • FORMING: This is the initial stage where the team comes together and begins to understand the overall mission and the roles of each member.

    • Team members are often polite and positive.

    • Roles and responsibilities are unclear.

    • There is a high level of dependence on the leader for guidance and direction.

      Leader's Role:

    • Provide clear direction and structure.

    • Establish ground rules and set the tone for team interactions.

    • Facilitate introductions and team-building activities to break the ice.

  • STORMING: During the storming stage, team members start to push against the boundaries established in the forming stage. This is often the most challenging phase as conflicts and competition arise.

    • Team members may experience frustration and disagreements.

    • Power struggles and cliques may form.

    • Some resistance to tasks and questioning of leadership.

      Leader's Role:

    • Address conflicts head-on and facilitate healthy discussions.

    • Encourage open communication and active listening.

    • Help team members understand each other's perspectives and find common ground.

  • NORMING: In the norming stage, the team starts to resolve conflicts and establish a sense of unity and cohesion.

    • Team members begin to trust each other and work more effectively together.

    • Roles and responsibilities become clearer and are accepted.

    • There is a stronger commitment to team goals and objectives.

      Leader's Role:

    • Reinforce positive behaviors and team norms.

    • Continue to foster open communication and collaboration.

    • Support the development of team members' skills and strengths.

  • PERFORMING: The performing stage is when the team reaches its highest level of productivity and efficiency. The focus is on achieving goals and delivering high-quality results.

    • Team members are highly motivated and work well together.

    • There is a strong sense of independence and confidence in the team's abilities.

    • The team can make decisions and solve problems with minimal supervision.

      Leader's Role:

    • Delegate tasks and empower team members.

    • Monitor progress and provide feedback as needed.

    • Celebrate successes and recognize individual and team achievements.

  • ADJOURNING: Also known as the "mourning" stage, adjourning occurs when the team has completed its tasks and the members prepare to move on to new assignments or projects.

    • There may be feelings of sadness or loss as the team disbands.

    • Team members reflect on their experiences and what they have learned.

    • Preparation for the transition to new roles or projects.

      Leader's Role:

    • Provide closure and facilitate a proper send-off.

    • Encourage team members to reflect on their accomplishments and lessons learned.

    • Offer support and resources for the next steps in their journeys.

Each stage has its own challenges and requires different support from you as a leader. Recognizing these stages helps you provide the right guidance at the right time, ensuring your team continues to evolve and excel.

It’s NOT About Cloning Yourself

Remember, building a team isn’t about creating mini versions of yourself. It’s about assembling a group of people who can carry your vision forward in their own unique ways. Embrace the diversity of thought and approach — it’s what makes your team robust and resilient.

For those of you looking for more insights on team building and other business strategies, don’t forget to check out our book, “Awkward Family Dinners”.

Stay Connected with Mr. & Mrs. CEO

We’d love to continue this conversation! Connect with us on social media:

Until next time, keep building those dream teams and embracing the journey!


EPISODE 29: Our Moving Day Fiasco & A Costly Business Lesson


EPISODE 27: Lessons from Family Business Leadership