EPISODE 30: Content Creation isn’t just for Influencers

Why Content Creation is the Key to Scaling Your Business (…even if you’re NOT an influencer)

Hey there, business warriors! It’s Kim here, and today I want to talk about something that's close to my heart and vital for the survival of any modern business: content creation. If you're like Darren & I, juggling the demands of a family-run business while trying to maintain some semblance of work-life balance… then you know just how crucial it is to stay relevant in today’s digital age. And believe me, that’s where content comes in.

Now, I know what you might be thinking: "But Kim, we're not influencers! Why should we care about content creation?"

Well, let me tell you — content creation isn’t just for influencers or big brands with flashy marketing teams. It's for every single one of us who are passionate about our business, committed to our customers, and determined to build a legacy that lasts.

When we first started our business, we were old-school all the way. Sure, we had a website and the occasional Facebook post, but we didn’t really prioritize content. After all, we were busy enough with the day-to-day operations, right? But as our business grew, so did the need to connect with our audience in a more meaningful way. We realized that if we wanted to keep up with the times — and our competition — we needed to step up our content game.

The Balancing Act of Content & Family Business

Let’s be honest, finding time for content creation when you’re already knee-deep in running a business is no small feat. Tuesdays, for example, are especially hectic for us. That’s when we sit down to plan our weekly content calendar, record podcast episodes, and brainstorm ideas that resonate with our audience. It’s a juggling act, to say the least.

But here’s the thing — content creation has become a non-negotiable part of our business strategy. It’s not just about throwing up a few posts on social media; it’s about crafting a narrative that reflects who we are as a brand and as a family. It’s about sharing our journey, our values, and our vision with the world.

Authenticity is Your Superpower

One of the most important lessons we’ve learned is that authenticity is everything. People don’t just want to buy a product or service — they want to connect with the person or people behind the brand. That’s why we focus on creating content that’s true to who we are. Whether it’s a behind-the-scenes look at our chaotic — yet rewarding — business life or a thoughtful post about the challenges of maintaining work-life balance… we strive to be real and relatable.

Remember, your content doesn’t have to be perfect. In fact, some of our most popular posts are the ones where we let our guard down and revealed the less polished side of our business. It’s those moments of vulnerability and honesty that create genuine connections with your audience.

Why You Need a Digital Footprint

In today’s business landscape, having a strong digital footprint is just as important as having a great product or service. Your online presence is often the first impression potential customers will have of your business, so it’s crucial to make it count. That’s why we’ve invested time and resources into building a robust content strategy that includes everything from social media posts to podcast episodes, blog articles, and newsletters.

But content creation isn’t just about attracting new customers — it’s about building trust with your existing audience. Consistent, high-quality content helps to keep your brand top-of-mind and reinforces the values that your business stands for. It’s how you maintain that all-important “know, like, and trust factor” with your audience.

Should You Hire a Content Creator?

If the thought of adding content creation to your already overflowing plate makes you break out in a cold sweat, don’t worry — you’re not alone. We were in the same boat until we realized that we couldn’t do it all ourselves. That’s when we decided to bring in a dedicated content creator to help us stay on top of things.

Hiring a content creator might seem like an extra expense, but think of it as an investment in your business’s future. A good content creator will not only take the pressure off your shoulders, but also bring fresh ideas and perspectives to the table. They can help you develop a cohesive content strategy, create engaging posts, and ensure that your brand’s voice is consistent across all platforms.

Final Thoughts: Building a Legacy Through Content

At the end of the day, content creation isn’t just about boosting sales or getting more likes on social media. It’s about telling your story, sharing your values, and connecting with your audience on a deeper level. For us, it’s about building a legacy that our children — and their children — can be proud of.

So, whether you’re just starting out or looking to scale your family business, I encourage you to embrace content creation as a powerful tool for growth. It’s not always easy, and it definitely requires time and effort, but trust me… it’s worth it.

And hey, if you ever need some inspiration or a little nudge to get started, you know where to find us. We’re just a comment, dm, or email message away!

Cheers to building businesses — and families — that stand the test of time.

Stay Connected with Mr. & Mrs. CEO

We’d love to continue this conversation! Connect with us on social media:


EPISODE 31: Stress Dysmorphia


EPISODE 29: Our Moving Day Fiasco & A Costly Business Lesson