EPISODE 25: Communication Breakdown

NAVIGATING CONFLICT: Embracing the Messiness for Stronger Relationships

Hey there, amazing entrepreneurs and family business enthusiasts! It’s Kimberley Hiebert here, ready to dive into one of the most challenging aspects of any relationship: conflict. In our latest episode of Mr. & Mrs. CEO, Darren & I took an unexpected detour into real-time communication challenges, and I’m excited to share the insights we gained from this raw and honest conversation.

Two red boxing gloves make contact in a dramatic scene, creating a burst of dust or sweat particles against a dark, misty background. The image captures the intensity and force of the collision, symbolizing conflict and confrontation.

The Art of Conflict in Family and Business

In this episode, we initially planned to discuss strategies for navigating conflict and having difficult conversations. Little did we know, we would become the very example of what we intended to teach. The truth is, conflict isn’t just inevitable — it’s essential. How we handle it can make or break our relationships, both personal and professional.

From Social Work to Family Business

My background as a social worker exposed me to families in constant conflict and to collaborating with community stakeholders who often had divergent approaches to problem-solving. This experience taught me to be comfortable in conflict, to gather information, and to strive for resolution. However, this can sometimes come across as overbearing, especially when paired with Darren’s more avoidant style.

Embracing the Discomfort

One of my key takeaways from both social work and our entrepreneurial journey is that the health of a relationship is NOT measured by the absence of conflict… but instead, by how well we are able to navigate through it.

Real-Time Communication Breakdown

During our discussion, Darren & I found ourselves in a real-time communication disconnect. It was a perfect, albeit uncomfortable, example of how even seasoned couples and business partners can still learn and grow. We stumbled, we laughed, and we ultimately worked through it. Here are a few insights from our experience:

  1. Keep Asking Questions: In the heat of conflict, it’s crucial to keep asking questions. This not only helps clarify misunderstandings, but also shows your willingness to understand the other person’s perspective. Darren & I had to remind ourselves to stay curious rather than jumping to conclusions.

  2. Give Space to Process: Everyone processes conflict differently. While I may want to dive in and resolve things immediately, Darren often needs time to think things through. Respecting each other’s processing styles can prevent escalation and promote a healthier resolution.

  3. Seek Resolution, Not Combat: Conflict should aim for resolution, not to be combative. This means focusing on finding common ground and working towards a solution that respects both parties. It’s easier said than done, but incredibly rewarding when achieved.

A Journey of Continuous Learning

Even after decades together, Darren & I are still learning how to communicate better. Each conflict is an opportunity to grow and strengthen our bond. We hope that this episode (and our banter) will help provide an example that relationships — whether in family or business — are a continuous learning process.

Join the Conversation

We invite you to listen to the full episode to hear more about our real-time conflict resolution and the laughter that ensued. Our hope is that by sharing our experiences, you can find new strategies to navigate your own conflicts with grace and humor.

Conflict is messy, but it’s also an integral part of any thriving relationship. Let’s embrace the messiness together and keep building better family businesses, one awkward conversation at a time.


EPISODE 26: Changing Seasons


EPISODE 24: The Book is Here!!!