EPISODE 26: Changing Seasons

Embracing Life’s Transitions with Grace & Humor

Hey there, fabulous family business owners and entrepreneurial dynamos! It’s Kimberley Hiebert here, back with another dose of wisdom, laughter, and heartfelt reflections.

In our latest episode of Mr. & Mrs. CEO, Darren & I took some time to reflect on the past year — a year that brought significant changes and a much-needed slowdown in our lives. Let’s dive in and explore these changing seasons together.

A tree stands at the boundary of two landscapes: one side is a snowy winter scene with a bare tree, and the other side is a lush green spring landscape with the tree full of leaves. The image symbolizes the transition between seasons.

Celebrating Milestones & Embracing Change

May was a whirlwind for our family. We celebrated seven birthdays, launched our book, and attended a networking event where we shared our story. As if that wasn’t enough excitement, June kicked off with our oldest grandson’s graduation. It’s true what they say: “…sometimes the moments feel like years, but then the years feel like moments”.

These milestones remind us how quickly time flies and how important it is to savor each moment.

The Rhythm of Life's Seasons

Lately, I’ve been feeling the natural ebb and flow of life’s seasons more acutely. The transition from winter’s hibernation to spring’s reawakening mirrors the phases of our lives. Our 20s and 30s are all about building — careers, businesses, families, communities. We’re constantly in motion, juggling responsibilities and chasing dreams.

As we move into our 40s and 50s, there’s a shift. Life offers more space between events, allowing for reflection and a deeper appreciation of the present moment. For Darren & me, this slower pace was catalyzed by significant life changes, including a medical diagnosis and selling not one, but two businesses. These experiences forced us to slow down and, quite literally, smell the flowers.

Slowing Down with Purpose

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is the value of slowing down intentionally. It’s something my mom used to emphasize, and it’s become increasingly relevant in my life. The past six years have taught me to be more conscious and purposeful in how I live. Darren & I have embraced this slower process, finding joy in the little things and being more in tune with ourselves and each other.

Over the past six years, this slower process has allowed me to be more in tune with everything we do. It made me realize that the way we used to live was really extreme; we were living life in the fast lane with no intention of slowing down. While speed may help you reach your final destination quicker, it often doesn’t allow you the opportunity to take in your surroundings and truly marvel in your present moments.

This intentional pause has brought clarity and a deeper connection to our actions and choices.

Embracing Each Season with Grace

Life’s transitions can be challenging, but they also offer opportunities for growth and renewal. As we navigate these changing seasons, it’s essential to approach them with grace and humor. Darren & I often laugh about our experiences, reflect on our journey, and appreciate the lessons learned along the way. We want to encourage you to do the same — embrace the changes, find the humor in the chaos, and cherish each moment.

Tune In for More Insights & Laughter

We invite you to listen to the full episode to hear more about our reflections and the joy we find in life’s transitions. Whether you’re in the midst of building your empire or entering a season of reflection, there’s something in this episode for you. Let’s laugh, learn, and grow together.

Remember, no matter what season you’re in, there’s always something beautiful to discover. Embrace the changes, slow down when needed, and continue building a life and business you love.


EPISODE 27: Lessons from Family Business Leadership


EPISODE 25: Communication Breakdown