EPISODE 24: The Book is Here!!!

CELEBRATING CHAOS: Our Book Launch Adventure

Hello, fabulous entrepreneurs and family business aficionados! It’s Kimberley Hiebert here, and wow, do I have a story for you! Grab your favorite drink, get comfy, and let’s dive into the whirlwind that was the launch day of our first book, Awkward Family Dinners: A Guide to Building Better Family Businesses.

From Dream to Reality: Our Book is Here!

Darren & I are over the moon to share that our book is FINALLY out in the world. And let me tell you… the journey to this point has been nothing short of an adventure. If you know us, you know that nothing we do ever goes quite as planned, and our book launch day was no exception.

The Launch Day Rollercoaster

Picture this: we’re all set for our big live stream launch. I’m buzzing with excitement, and Darren is... well, Darren is trying to keep up with my energy. Just as we’re about to go live… Darren starts feeling this sharp pain. What could it possibly be? Nervousness, excitement… NOPE! Kidney stones! Talk about timing, right? So, amidst setting up for the launch, we’re also dealing with a medical emergency.

But wait! The chaos doesn’t stop there. After ensuring Darren was okay (thanks to our quick-thinking team), we had to navigate a parking fiasco that left us both sprinting back and forth to make it in time. Just imagine a movie scene where everything that could go wrong… does. Thankfully, we were able to do so with lots of laughter (…and maybe just a few curse words).

Reaching New Heights: #1 Amazon Hot Release

Despite all the hurdles, our launch was a smashing success! We made it to the top 100 of Amazon’s hot new releases, and that’s all thanks to you — our incredible supporters. The thrill of seeing our book climb the charts was indescribable! We celebrated with a lunch that was supposed to be relaxing… but ended up being another comedic chapter of our lives.

The Move, the License, & the Banter

In the midst of the book chaos, we also sold our home and bought a new house. Yes, because why not add more to our plate?

Speaking of which… did I mention that I also recently got my real estate license? It’s been a quite a whirlwind, but I wouldn’t have it any other way! Darren & I thrive in the chaos. It’s what makes our journey so unique and, dare I say… entertaining!

Our banter during this episode is something you don’t want to miss. We talk about how we juggle all these aspects of our lives and still manage to laugh at the end of the day. It’s this dynamic that we believe is the secret sauce to keeping both our family and businesses thriving.

Building Better Family Businesses: Our Tips

We’ll share a little sneak peek into the book and a taste of what you can expect from Awkward Family Dinners. One of the core messages of our book is about navigating the intricate dynamics of family businesses. Here are a few snippets of wisdom that we’ve learned and now live by:

  1. Communication is Key: Open, honest, and sometimes awkward conversations are necessary. Don’t shy away from the tough talks—they lead to stronger relationships and better business decisions.

  2. Embrace the Chaos: Things will go wrong, and that’s okay. It’s how you handle the chaos that defines your success. Keep a sense of humor and roll with the punches.

  3. Prioritize Family: Remember why you started this journey together. Business is important, but family always comes first. Make time for each other outside of work to keep those bonds strong.

For more… be sure to grab your copy of Awkward Family Dinners (if you haven’t already)!

Join Our Community

We’re so grateful for the community we’ve built around Mr. & Mrs. CEO and now our book. Your support means the world to us, and we love hearing your stories and sharing ours. If you haven’t already, grab a copy of Awkward Family Dinners and join the conversation. Let’s build better family businesses together, one awkward dinner at a time.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Here’s to the chaos, the laughter, and the incredible adventures ahead.


EPISODE 25: Communication Breakdown


EPISODE 23: Conscious Partnerships | PART 2