EPISODE 19: Daring to Make it Happen

Stepping Out of Comfort Zones: The Entrepreneurial Adventure of Growth & Connection

Running a family business is an exhilarating ride, especially when you're simultaneously navigating the twists and turns of marriage and family life. But what truly pushes a business from a mere family enterprise to a thriving, growing operation?

It's the courage to step outside the familiar and embrace the uncomfortable.

Last week, I (Kim) found myself reflecting on the immense value of networking beyond our usual circles. Attending a high-caliber entrepreneurial event in Los Angeles, I was reminded of how essential it is to connect with people who challenge and inspire us. This wasn't your typical early-morning networking over continental breakfast. It was a gathering of individuals daring to step into their dreams, leaving behind the safety of corporate jobs to pursue their passions.

Among the sea of entrepreneurs, each conversation was a revelation. Many shared their transitions from traditional employment to forging their paths. What struck me most was not just their bravery, but the commonality of our experiences. Each had taken a significant risk, stepping into the unknown, which resonated deeply with me and my journey with my husband, Darren, as we build our business and our legacy.

Starting from scratch, Darren & I are no strangers to the daunting aspects of entrepreneurship. From funding our Door Gurus venture ourselves, especially while not knowing anyone who has built a franchise system before… every day is a learning experience. The conversations I had at the event mirrored our situation — other entrepreneurs grappling with similar challenges, and uncertainties felt like a reaffirmation that we're on the right path.

One of the most comforting takeaways was the understanding that feeling out of place or like the ‘dullest tool in the shed’ can actually be a growth opportunity. Last year, I felt completely out of my depth in a room full of seasoned entrepreneurs. Yet, this discomfort pushed me to level up, to expand my knowledge and skills to match that room one day. It's about embracing that discomfort, knowing it's part of the journey toward personal and professional development .

Networking at this level and caliber has taught me that growth often comes from what we initially perceive as uncomfortable or even untenable situations. It's in these moments that we find the motivation to push through, to expand beyond our perceived limits, and to continuously evolve not just as business owners but as individuals.

For family business owners, stepping outside your comfort zone might seem daunting, especially when the stakes include not only your personal financial investment… but your family's welfare. Yet, it's precisely this step that can transform a small family operation into a burgeoning enterprise. It's about more than just business growth; it's about personal transformation — a journey that Darren & I are committed to, both as business partners and as life partners.

Embracing the unknown and the uncomfortable is not just a business strategy; it's a life strategy that promises richer experiences and broader horizons.

So, to all the family business owners out there: dare to step out, connect, learn, and grow.

The path might be fraught with challenges, but it is also lined with opportunities to achieve something truly remarkable, not just for your business but for your family as well.


EPISODE 20: What’s Around the Next Corner?


EPISODE 18: Know, Like, & Trust