EPISODE 20: What’s Around the Next Corner?

Exploring the Tenacity & Triumphs of Entrepreneurial Spirit

In the heart of every entrepreneur lies a burning curiosity: what's around the next corner?

This question isn't just a metaphor for the unknown future; it embodies the very essence of the entrepreneurial journey. It’s about the persistent pursuit of what lies ahead, even when the path is veiled in uncertainty.

It’s me, Kim, and I’m back with another Bubble Bath Boardroom blog post for you.

Let me share a story that exemplifies this spirit. It’s about door-knocking — not just figuratively, but literally. This approach has been a cornerstone of my entrepreneurial life. Years ago, armed with nothing but sheer determination, I found myself repeatedly knocking on the doors of potential opportunities, often being met with a stern "no." Yet, it was this very persistence that eventually paved the way to meaningful contracts and long-lasting business relationships.

Reflecting on these experiences during a recent podcast episode of Mr. & Mrs. CEO, Darren & I explored the powerful notion of 'door-knocking' as more than just a sales tactic; it's a philosophy for success. The metaphor extends beyond the physical act, embracing all forms of outreach where you put yourself and your business out there, repeatedly, until you break through .

One of the most misleading myths about entrepreneurship is the idea of effortless success — that if something is meant to be, it will come easily. This notion couldn't be further from the truth. Achievements worth having never come easy. They require not just the initial flurry of enthusiasm but a sustained, gritty effort often fraught with setbacks and rejection. The key lies in resilience—the capacity to continue despite the odds, to keep knocking on new doors, and to stay in the game long enough to see the fruits of your labor .

In our discussion, Darren & I debunked the passive success myth, advocating instead for a proactive stance. Success in business, as in life, isn't about waiting for opportunities to find you. It's about creating those opportunities, about making the moves necessary to propel yourself forward, even when progress feels painfully slow .

So, what's around the next corner? It could be another challenge, or it could be the golden opportunity you've been working toward. The thrill of finding out fuels the entrepreneurial fire.


EPISODE 21: The Manuscript is DONE!


EPISODE 19: Daring to Make it Happen