EPISODE 18: Know, Like, & Trust

The Secret Sauce to Building Lasting Business Relationships…

…it’s ALL about human connection!

Hey hey hey! It’s Kimberley here, diving into a topic that is close to my heart and crucial for every entrepreneur — building successful, long-lasting business relationships through the "know, like, and trust" factor. Whether you're just starting out or looking to deepen existing connections, understanding this old-school yet timeless philosophy is gold for your business development.

In our latest podcast episode, Darren shared his invaluable insights on why the "know, like, and trust" factor is not just a strategy but a way of life for him. With over 40 years of experience in customer service, he's built his business on the genuine relationships he forms with clients, which is something all entrepreneurs should aspire to emulate.

Knowing Your Customers

The journey begins with knowing your customers. In a digital age where personal connections can sometimes feel lost, taking the time to really understand who your customers are and what they need is more important than ever. For Darren, this means starting with surface-level conversations that naturally deepen over time. It's about being genuinely interested in the stories behind the faces. This approach not only sets the stage for a strong relationship but also makes your interactions memorable and personal.

The Likability Factor

Once you know your customers, the next step is being likable. This might sound simple, but it's an art that involves both warmth and authenticity. Darren’s ability to make people feel at ease and valued during interactions is something that has turned many first-time clients into lifelong customers. Being likable isn't just about being friendly; it's about showing genuine interest and care in the welfare of your customers, which in turn fosters a sense of trust.

Trust: The Cornerstone of Business Relationships

Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship, especially in business. It’s the hardest to earn but the most rewarding. Trust comes from consistency and integrity in your interactions. When customers know they can rely on you not only for quality products or services, but also for your honesty and support, they are more likely to return and refer others to you. Darren asserts that this trust leads to the most effective and valuable form of customer acquisition: referrals.

Why It Works

This philosophy might seem straightforward, but it requires persistence and genuine commitment to your values and vision. Darren can think of countless times customers chose his services, even when he charged a premium, simply because they liked and trusted him. That’s the real power of building relationships based on the "know, like, and trust" factor.

So, as you navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship, remember that at the end of the day, it’s about how well you connect with people. Your ability to build and maintain trust, make your clients feel valued, and genuinely engage with them will set you apart in any industry.

Thanks for joining me on this reflection of our core values and how they propel us forward in business and beyond. Keep nurturing those relationships, because they are truly the bedrock of not just a successful business, but a fulfilling life!


EPISODE 19: Daring to Make it Happen


EPISODE 17: Sweepin’ it Under the Rug… or NOT!