EPISODE 17: Sweepin’ it Under the Rug… or NOT!

Mastering the Holiday Hustle: Balancing Family & Business with Strategic Ignorance

Welcome back to another post in the Bubble Bath Boardroom. Today, I’m (Kim) diving into a topic that's close to my heart and resonates deeply with family business owners and entrepreneurs alike: navigating family dynamics during the festive season while keeping business thriving.

This holiday season was a breakthrough for me, and I believe the lessons learned can greatly benefit anyone juggling family and business responsibilities. The festive period often magnifies the complexities of family relationships, and for those of us in the family business, the lines between personal and professional can become even more blurred.

This year, I decided to take a different approach to the holiday chaos, influenced by a piece of advice from my mother-in-law. She suggested: "Just ignore it." At first, this seemed a bit counterintuitive to me. How could ignoring issues possibly be beneficial? But as the holidays unfolded, I realized the wisdom in her words.

Ignoring it didn't mean neglecting significant issues or letting important family dynamics fester. Instead, it was about choosing battles wisely and focusing on what truly mattered. It was about not giving my power away to the stress and the drama that can so easily dominate these family gatherings. This advice was pivotal — it helped me prioritize my energy on maintaining harmony and celebrating the joy of the season, rather than getting bogged down by every little conflict or tension.

By applying this mindset, I found that not only did the holiday go smoother, but it also allowed me to reflect on the parallels in running a family business. Just like in family gatherings, business requires us to pick our battles and focus on what drives us towards our goals, not the distractions that divert our attention and drain our energy.

One significant moment this season was choosing to order food instead of cooking. This small decision significantly reduced stress and allowed everyone, including myself, to engage more fully with family without the usual exhaustion that comes from preparing a large meal. It was a lesson in efficiency and delegation, much like deciding when to outsource tasks in our business to better focus on growth and strategic planning.

The outcome? A more relaxed, enjoyable holiday with the family and a fresh perspective on handling business pressures. It was a reminder that sometimes, letting go of the need to control every aspect of both family and business interactions can lead to better results.

So, as we step into the new year, I encourage fellow entrepreneurs to consider what you can 'ignore' or delegate in your business and personal life. Sometimes, stepping back is what we need to move forward. And who knows? This approach might just make your next holiday season not only bearable but genuinely joyful.

Here's to a prosperous and peaceful year ahead where we master the art of focusing on what truly matters — in our families and our businesses.


EPISODE 18: Know, Like, & Trust


EPISODE 16: It Finally Happened…