EPISODE 16: It Finally Happened…

Darren Kicked Kim out of the Boardroom

Getting kicked out was new… but why it happened is actually pretty cool. Darren & I have been though lots of challenges over the years, but we never, ever stop learning!

As we reflect back on 2023, there is much to be grateful for, though the path has held its share of rocks and steep climbs.

Embracing the Ascent: Lessons from a Life Lived on the Uphill

It’s exhilarating, isn’t it? The rush of facing a steep climb — whether on a bike trail or in the boardroom — and knowing you have the grit to reach the top. This year more than ever, Darren & I have leaned into the challenge, and today I’m sharing a story that perfectly captures the essence of our journey.

Ascensions & Reflections

Reflecting on the adventures and challenges of 2023, one particular experience stands out: a daunting 12-mile ascent on the final day of a cycling trip. Despite my fears and the tempting option to back out, the thought of not sharing in the collective stories of triumph pushed me to persevere. It was a grueling climb, but reaching the summit was about more than just physical endurance — it symbolized our shared commitment to pushing beyond comfort zones, in sport and in life.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Darren & I have always been a team, through financial struggles in the early years of our marriage, business ventures, and even personal health battles like cancer. Each challenge has bonded us more deeply and taught us invaluable lessons about resilience and mutual support.

This year, we faced a different kind of challenge as we committed to growing our legacy business. Just like that cycling trip, this new venture is one that requires patience, faith, and fortitude. We’ve embraced the climb, not just for the view at the top, but for the lessons we learn with each step upward.

Looking Back to Look Forward

As we look towards 2024, we do so with hope and a readiness to cheer each other on, ever motivated by the past climbs we’ve conquered side by side. And I urge you, our fellow entrepreneurs and family business owners, to share your own stories of resilience and growth. How have you turned your challenges into stepping stones? Let’s encourage each other as we all gear up for our next big ascents.

Here at Mr. & Mrs. CEO, we believe that the journey is just as important as the destination. We’re not just building a business; we’re crafting a legacy, one steep climb at a time.

We’re glad that you’re here and hope that you’ll continue to join us in this adventure. Let’s see how high we can all climb together. Like I say: “Your story isn’t about where you start. It’s about how far you climb.”


EPISODE 17: Sweepin’ it Under the Rug… or NOT!


EPISODE 15: Working Together