EPISODE 32: LIVE From the Bubble Bath

How We Keep Our Business (& Marriage) Bubbling Along — Even from the Bubble Bath

Today’s blog is coming to you from a place that’s a bit unconventional — a bubble bath. Yes, you read that right. Darren & I decided to push the boundaries of our work-life integration by recording a podcast episode straight from the tub. Now, you might be wondering, "What could possibly inspire you to do business from a bubble bath?" Well, it’s all part of our philosophy of blending work, play, and family — something we’ve learned is key to growing a thriving business without sacrificing personal relationships.

As many of you know, Darren & I run a business together, and if you’re a family business owner, you understand how delicate the balance can be. Whether it's managing financial stress, communicating effectively with your team (and each other), or simply finding time to unwind, it can be overwhelming. Trust me — we've been there. But we’ve discovered some surprising ways to make it all work, and today, I want to share our best tips for integrating your business and personal life without driving yourself — or each other — crazy.

Find Your Bubble Bath

Okay, maybe not literally (unless that's your thing), but one of the most important things Darren & I have learned over the years is the value of shared downtime. Running a business together means that work can bleed into every aspect of life, so it’s essential to carve out moments where you’re just you. No titles, no meetings — just a couple spending time together.

For us, that place is often the tub. Yes, we have some of our best discussions about business — and life — while soaking in bubbles. It’s a space where we feel relaxed, and because of that, we communicate better. So, whether it’s a nightly walk, a weekend getaway, or simply making dinner together, find your "bubble bath" where you can connect with your partner or family without the pressures of work creeping in.

Communication Is Key (Even When It’s Tough)

No marriage or business partnership is without its bumps, and let’s be honest, communication can sometimes be the trickiest part of all. In fact, during our bubble bath chat, Darren & I had to laugh at how off our communication has been at times. It’s not always easy, especially when stress is high and patience is low, but being open about your needs — whether it's for space, support, or just understanding — makes all the difference.

One thing we've recently started using to improve our communication is a bio-tracking tool called Whoop. It helps us monitor our stress and sleep patterns, which in turn has made us more aware of when we’re at our best (and worst) for important conversations. It’s amazing how much clearer things become when you understand what’s happening in your body and mind.

Don’t Be Afraid to Say: "I Need a Me Day"

Here’s a fun fact: even though we spend a lot of time together, we both still need our solo time. And I bet you do, too! It’s easy to feel guilty about wanting space — especially when you’re in the thick of running a business. But let me tell you, taking that time for yourself is crucial. Whether it’s a walk with the dogs, a trip to the gym, or just an hour to sip coffee quietly, those moments of solitude recharge you.

For family business owners like us, this is especially important. You can’t pour from an empty cup, right? So, when you feel that internal battery draining, don’t hesitate to say: “I need a little me-time.” Your family and your business will thank you for it later.

Laughter Really Is the Best Medicine

One of the things I love most about our life is that even in the midst of stressful days and tight deadlines, we make each other laugh. We joked during our podcast that the bubble bath was the boardroom, but honestly, humor is often the best way to navigate the pressures of running a business and maintaining a family life.

When things get tough — because they will — don’t forget to laugh. Whether it’s at yourself, a funny mishap, or even at how ridiculous it all seems sometimes, humor lightens the load. It’s one of the ways we’ve kept our business (and marriage) healthy and thriving.

Acknowledge Your Wins — Both Big & Small

Lastly, celebrate the little things. Darren recently completed his first-ever workshop presentation for the Canadian Small Business Summit, and it was a huge win for us! This summit, by the way, is a fantastic resource for entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses, and the fact that Darren powered through his nerves to deliver something great is something we’re both incredibly proud of.

For you, it might be something different. Maybe it’s landing a new client, handling a difficult conversation with grace, or simply making it through the week with your sanity intact. Whatever your wins are, acknowledge them. Celebrating those small victories keeps you motivated and reminds you why you started this journey in the first place.

Wrapping It All Up

So, there you have it. A little peek into how Darren & I keep things bubbling along — sometimes from the tub, sometimes from the office… but always together. Whether you’re navigating the ups and downs of family life, running a business, or trying to do both (like us!), remember that balance IS possible… but it takes work. And a good sense of humor. Oh, and maybe a bubble bath or two.

Until next time, take care of your business, your family, and most importantly… yourself.

Stay Connected with Mr. & Mrs. CEO

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EPISODE 31: Stress Dysmorphia