EPISODE 14: Random Ramblin’s

A Reflective Ramble: The Power of Pausing in Entrepreneurship

Hi there! Kim here — and welcome to another heart-to-heart here on the Mr. & Mrs. CEO blog.

In today's post, I want to unpack some insights from our recent experiences—ranging from attending franchise fairs to engaging in the delicate art of balancing business and personal life. And let's not forget the adventures in between.

The Franchise Fair Frenzy

Darren and I recently returned from a franchise fair, a whirlwind of pitches and presentations. While these events can be exhilarating, they're also exhausting. As I navigated through waves of potential franchisees, clarity dawned on me—there's an old-school charm to these fairs, but they need a modern twist. The traditional model of face-to-face marketing is valuable, yet, in today's digital age, it demands supplementation with online strategies to truly capture and engage a broader audience.

The Art of Pitching

Darren, initially shy, discovered his rhythm in pitching our concept of Door Gurus. Watching him transform from tentative to confident reminded me of the importance of stepping out of our comfort zones. By the end of the fair, we both had honed our message, a testament to the idea that practice doesn’t just make perfect; it makes permanent.

Innovating the Old School

The realization that struck me hardest was about innovation. Being at the fair sparked our creative juices, pushing us to think differently about how we attract partners. It's not just about showing up; it's about standing out. The need for a fresh approach was palpable—how do we innovate within this traditional setup to make our offer irresistible?

Balancing Acts

Amidst the chaos of business, Darren and I also celebrated a milestone—our 30th wedding anniversary. Reflecting on the past three decades, it's clear that the intertwining of our personal and professional lives has been both a challenge and a joy. We've learned that the key to enduring love and business success is to laugh often, live fully, and work hard—not necessarily in that order.

Our Ongoing Journey

As we continue to write our book on family business, it’s not lost on me that sometimes, Darren and I might be the 'toxic' elements we need to manage. Writing about our experiences has been enlightening and somewhat cathartic. It’s about pulling out stories from the deep recesses of our memory and laying them bare—not just for our understanding but hopefully as lessons for others navigating similar paths.

A Message to My Fellow Entrepreneurs

If there’s one thing I’d love for you to take away from our ramblings, it’s this: Never stop learning, never stop dreaming, and never think you’ve reached the end of your innovation rope. Whether you're pitching at a fair, celebrating decades of marriage, or writing the next chapter of your life, remember that each experience carries a lesson.

Thank you for joining us on this reflective journey. If you’ve found a piece of wisdom in our stories or if you have experiences of your own to share, I’d love to hear from you. Entrepreneurship is not just a business pursuit; it’s a life adventure, and it’s always better when shared.

That's a wrap on today's blog! Stay tuned for more insights, and don't hesitate to reach out on our social platforms or subscribe to our newsletter for behind-the-scenes peeks and more. Until next time, keep balancing, keep innovating, and keep enjoying the ride.


EPISODE 15: Working Together


EPISODE 13: A Daughter’s Voice